Thursday, November 14, 2013

What is Technology?

Technology is a man made system or tool that is used to simplify tasks, or make them more efficient. There are three main areas of technology, Physical, Information/Communication and BioRelated technology.

-Physical Technology systems are used to simplify existing problems, by improving or creating new tools.
-Information/Communications systems make new methods of sharing and communicating information with others.
-BioRelated technology systems related to living organisms, such as creating new prosthetics or hearing aids.

In the universal technological systems model there is an Input, a Process, and an Output. This is the closed loop system. In the open loop system, there is feedback.

In technology system there are 7 basic resources.
-Capital (money)
-And most importantly Time

There are also 8 main steps in solving a problem in technology.
1. Define the problem.
2. Set goals.
3. Find out what is causing the problem.
4. Brainstorm ideas.
5. Compare these plans.
6. Choose the plan.
7. Carry of the plan.
8. Evaluate the plan.

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